Work Smarter

work smarter

Hard work certainly pays off. Working hard is valuable but at times can be impractical to your situation. This is where you must learn to work smarter. Nothing can replace a strong work ethic, but learning to work smarter is necessary as life will throw many curve balls your way and you won’t always have 16 hours a day to work. Other parts of daily life suck time and energy away from working. Let’s look at some general guidelines to work smarter.

When working smarter you have to identify the things that move your business forward. The very first step is reevaluating your vision and fitting it into a structured workflow. This can be achieved by ruthlessly cutting away any projects that don’t directly move your business forward along your vision path. Along with clearly focusing on forward momentum being selfish with your schedule is another great tip. It’s fun to network with colleagues, take meetings, jump-on-a-call, and so on but when working smart you have to cut away all these things unless they directly move your vision for your business forward. This kind of focus will keep you on track and should be carried over into your email practices as well. All to often do we get bogged down with superfluous emailing. Cut the fat by setting designated email times each day and only give relevant emails your attention first.

When working smarter it helps to break down each week and schedule what you need to accomplish in advance. Set small, timely, attainable goals each week that are focused on moving your vision forward.  Using this method of time management you will be able to accomplish your most important tasks without losing focus. Keep in mind while making your weekly schedule when you will be at your peak of production and block those times for focused work. This will allow you to get more done and to relax more easily. It is very important to take advantage of your down time while working smart because this is when you recharge. You will not make good choices if you are not rested and feeling healthy.

Use these guidelines to work smarter. Functioning more efficiently will help to ease stress and give an overall sense of control to your business. Let us at Wazala know how working smart has improved your business. Happy Selling.


