Communication Tactics To Get What You Want

communication tactics to get what you want

Wouldn’t it be nice to get what you want more often then not? You can increase your chances of getting what you want with a few simple communication tactics. I studied communication in college and as I learned more about the field it became more and more interesting to me because I found so many uses for its tactics in my daily life. When you think about it, all professions and relationships rely on communication and are subject to its inherent principles. Let’s take a closer look at a few communication tactics that you can use to get what you want.

Before we dive into my bag of communication tricks let me lay down the ground work. Communication is always a two-way street. Messages are both sent and received and each side is equally important. Communication can NEVER be passed to another person with 100 percent accuracy. There is always a loss in clarity when messages are communicated because how we send and receive messages are defined by personal perception. This is important because it means that all communication is filtered through a individual’s personality, instincts, and personal experiences. In essence the study of communication is also a behavioral study and looks at human interaction from a sociological vantage point. Now lets look at these tricks with the above groundwork in mind.

1. Repeat things. Repeating something is a great way to show that you are listening and engaged. It also puts yourself in alignment with the other person by following them in the communication.

2. Compliments go a long way. Complimenting others puts them at ease and shows that you are willing to compromise. Compliments are good motivators and will increase productivity.

3. Go bigger. When negotiating or asking for favors it will help to ask for much more than you need. When your target responds with a no, you then “settle” for less. This will most likely get you want you wanted in the first place and can motivate your target to work harder for the lesser favor because they feel bad they couldn’t fulfill your initial request.

4. What’s my name? People like hearing their own name said out loud, so use this to your advantage. The more someone likes you or is pleased with you the more likely they will work for you or help you. Use names often to build perception and use it to influence situations in your favor.

5. Now listen up! Listening is the most important of communication tactics. Listening allows you to gain valuable information while building trust. The more you actively listen the better your chances of getting what you want out of a situation.

Take these communication tactics and apply them to your business strategy. Using your Wazala store and social marketing can get you far in business but adding these tips to your daily communication will help take you to the next level.

